Nada Alshehry : dernières sorties Netflix

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Antérieurement en 2021

The Tambour of Retribution

Netflix : 19 juillet 2021

In an impoverished neighborhood, the son of a swordsman falls in love with the daughter of a wedding singer — a taboo match in a traditional society.

De : Abdulaziz Alshlahei

Avec : Faisal Aldokhei, Adwaa Fahad, Rawya Ahmed, Faisal Al Dokhei, Adwa Fahad, Muhand Alsaleh, Ajeba Aldosary, Aly Ibrahim, Samer Elkhal, Hashem Hawsawi, Ibrahim Mesisebi, Shabib Alkhaleefa, Abdulateif Saud, Nada Alshehry, Dhay Nasser